Are you heading off to Uni? Do you know someone who is? Beyond Beans on Toast helps students make the most of their time at University- providing tips to make the transition smoother, recipes that make the budget taste sweeter and real stories that reveal the abundant life that Jesus brings! This glossy book would be a great read for any student heading out from your Church, it would be a useful resource for a grandchild- but most importantly, it could be a seed- sowing gift to the many non-Christian students who are leaving your local College! It's packed with:- Delicious recipes, trialled by a professional chef,with step-by-step photos making time in the kitchen easier. - Top Tips from what to take to keeping bugs at bay - including budget help from CAP! - Stories from students who share their own University experiences and tell of the radical encounter that changed their lives forever!
Beyond Beans on Toast ~ Claire Povey
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